
The Child Survivor

Featured Speaker: Dr. Joyanna Silberg

"The Child Survivor" by Joyanna Silberg is a guide for treating children and adolescents with dissociative symptoms from developmental trauma. It offers practical tools for managing complex behaviors like rage and dissociative shut-downs, viewing them as survival strategies. The book uses recent neurobiological research to provide clinicians with techniques that reduce the need for restrictive interventions.4o

About This Course

"The Child Survivor" offers an in-depth guide to treating children and adolescents who exhibit dissociative symptoms due to developmental trauma. Authored by Joyanna Silberg, a leading expert in the field, the book provides practical tools for managing complex clinical issues, such as rage reactions, amnesia, and dissociative shut-downs. The text emphasizes understanding these behaviors as survival strategies and leverages recent neurobiological research to support treatment approaches. Clinicians will gain actionable therapeutic techniques to help reduce the need for restrictive interventions like hospitalizations or out-of-home placements.

Topics of focus will include: 
  • Understanding Dissociative Symptoms in Children:

    • Examines the roots and manifestations of dissociative behaviors as adaptive responses to trauma.

  • Management of Clinical Dilemmas:

    • Provides strategies for addressing challenging behaviors, including rage reactions and dissociative shut-downs.

  • Neurobiological Underpinnings:

    • Explores recent advances in neurobiology that inform treatment approaches and enhance understanding of trauma responses.

  • Therapeutic Techniques and Tools:

    • Offers practical, evidence-based techniques for clinicians to implement, aimed at stabilizing young clients and avoiding restrictive measures like hospitalization.

*Please note that a portion of the proceeds from your registration will be donated to ATTCH Niagara to support the delivery of free and low cost therapy. Thank you to our guest speaker for their generosity. 

FORMAT: Virtually / Self-paced


FOR WHO: Anyone

TAUGHT BY: Dr. Joyanna Silberg

Joyanna Silberg, Ph.D., specializes in treating children with dissociative disorders and has served as an expert witness in 27 states. She is the Executive Vice-President of the Leadership Council on Child Abuse & Interpersonal Violence, a past president of the ISSTD, and author of The Child Survivor. She also consults for DVLEAP’s Custody and Abuse Project.

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Meet the Instructor

Featuring Guest Speaker: Dr. Joyanna Silberg

Joyanna Silberg, Ph.D., is the Executive Vice-President of the Leadership Council on Child Abuse & Interpersonal Violence. She specializes in treating children and adolescents with dissociative symptoms and disorders in her psychotherapy practice, and focuses on child sexual abuse in her forensic work, serving as an expert witness in 27 states. A past president of the International Society for the Study of Trauma & Dissociation (ISSTD), she has also contributed to the Journal of Trauma and Dissociation.

Dr. Silberg has received several awards, including the Walter P. Klopfer Award for research, the Cornelia Wilbur Award for clinical excellence, and the William Friedrich Award for work on child sexual abuse. She has edited The Dissociative Child and co-edited Misinformation Concerning Child Sexual Abuse and Adult Survivors. She has presented nationally and internationally on child abuse, psychotherapy, and the protection of abused children in family court. As a consultant for DVLEAP’s Custody and Abuse Project, she analyzes cases where judicial decisions endangering children are overturned. Her book, The Child Survivor: Healing Developmental Trauma and Dissociation, was released in October 2012. Dr. Silberg received the Champion for Children Award from DVLEAP and the Written Media Award from ISSTD in 2013.

Dr. Joyanna Silberg

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